Sunday, June 29, 2008

K,L, & M of Tonya's Book


Kayle is the son of DeAnna, my son's second wife. He is a ball of fun. Actually, when I say "ball", I mean he is more like a wrecking ball. Or a bull in a china shop. He never stops. But as he grows, he is getting better. LOL

Tonya's Great Grandmother collects ladybugs. She has all shapes and items you can think of. One of those things is a costume for a little girl. One day she let Tonya try it on. It was just a tad small on her but it was fun.

Marcus is Kayle's big brother. He is another sweetheart. He went to live with his grandfather a couple of years ago. He has a cleft palate and lip and his grandfather's insurance was supposed to cover him to get it fixed. As I understand it, that didn't happen. Tracy and Dee just went to Michigan to get him and ended up staying because they have to go to court to get custody. I have a feeling they won't be back.
If that is what is going to be, I really feel for the girls. Their daddy didn't even have the guts to say goodbye to them. Now I have to try my best to let them know that I am still here for them.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Blog Me 2

Hey Everyone,
There is a really great site that I love to visit called Divine Digital. Currently one of the challenges that I am working on is called "Blog Me". We have several people that have joined this challenge and are creating a page day to day, by adding a new piece and sending it to the next person. Now it is my turn and here is what it looks like so far.">

Now I will send it on to the next person on the list, so that they can add something to it from the wonderful charity kit we are working with during this challenge. So come follow along!

Blog Me List---Check out the blogs of the "Blog Me" Participants!










This is a kit designed for Kirsty Wiseman's daughter, Ellie and her pet turtle, Lucy. You can read about Ellie here:
50% of all the proceeds from this kit will be donated to Ellie's trust fund to help Ellie with her battles in the world of medicine. Ellie actually picked the colors, pink for her and green for her turtle, Lucy. I hope you like it and purchase it since it is for such a good cause. This kit is packed with great stuff. There are 23 papers, each unique and rich in texture and color. Then there are 32 elements, also unique and colorful. And at the heart of it all is Ellie a little girl fighting hard to be a normal teenage girl in Manchester, England and her little turtle, Lucy. You can purchase the full kit, "Ellie and Lucy," here:

Sunday, June 15, 2008

More ABC's of Tonya

H is the next letter in Tonya's book. Tonya grew up in my house for the first couple of years. Plus she always knows that Gramma will be here to take care of her if needed. When Mommy and Daddy got a divorce, she started saying there was Mommy's house and Daddy's house and home was my house.

Next we have "ICE CREAM".
Tonya went with me to a meeting at Lion's Club and we ordered her some ice cream and I figured I would snap some photos of her eating it.

And the last layout for today is "Jewelry"
I am a crafter and have taught crafts at the local library to kids. When the girls come to visit they often get to make something and on this day they made bracelets. I love the look on her face in this photo.

It's late, so I think I will stop for tonight.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Time to update, Newest Daily Download Preview

Update on John.
We made it home on Friday. He awoke feeling really good and said he was ready to go home. The Dr. agreed and allowed us to come home.

He had talked to the Cardiologist and it was decided that his heart attack was minor and his valves were working well, so why fix something that's not broken.

They decided it was a combination of the Sarcoidosis messing with his bone marrow so they didn't make enough blood cells (anemia)and the new medication together causing his blood pressure to go down to the point of passing out.

Now he is getting his strength back and getting around more and more.

Tomorrow's daily download at Scraphead.
Here is the preview for day 12.
Summer Fun day 12 And you can find the link here for ScrapHead.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Low, Low, Low BP, Download from Scraphead

Last night just after I finished the blog the nurse came in and checked John's BP. He then checked the other arm. His blood pressure was 76/46. He called the Dr. in and they put him on a saline drip. It took all night to get it back up above 110.
This morning the Dr. ordered another unit of blood after his pressure started dropping again. But after he got the blood in his system, he got up and walked to the nurses station and back twice.

So the stress test yesterday showed he has heart disease and has had a mild heart attack. The Dr. is going to talk to a Cardiologist to see if he thinks John should have a stent put in. At any rate he has to change his diet! Woohoo! He eats way too much saturated fats and stuff when I am not there to feed him. Guess I will have to make homemade frozen dinners for him!

Dr. Thompson stopped in first and advised us of the heart attack. He said the Sarcoidosis is not causing the problems. But then the Internist said he thought the sarcoids might be causing the anemia since they do reek havoc on Bone Marrow. I don't know, John will be here at least another day. They have to get this figured out!

I am going to have to leave him here with his daughter and granddaughter tomorrow afternoon. I have a photo gig Saturday and Sunday. It will also give me a chance to work on cleaning John's room good.

Here is today's preview of Scrapheads daily download. And the link to Scraphead to get it is here.

Happy scrapping!


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

John, Daily Download Freebie

I don't feel like blogging today, so this will be short.

They took John down to have a The doctor came in while he was gone and said that he had been down there and not seen anything significant but that he still had to go over the results with the Cardiologist. He also asked if I was going to be able to care for him at home, as he is really weak after all of this. (Which I can.) That was this morning and I haven't seen him since.
The Nurse had told me that he was going to have more labs tomorrow morning so I knew before talking to the Dr. that we would be here at least one more night.
He has an appointment on Friday with Dr. Roy, so we may as well stay one more night, if not here then in a motel.
That's it on John.

Tomorrow's free download at ScrapHead can be found here. And here is the preview.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

More on John, Day 4 download at Scraphead & DD

Boy, those hospital lounge chairs are not very comfortable! And they are upholstered in vinyl, so last night all I did was sweat. I think I will go home tomorrow and sleep in my own bed. All depends on what the doctors say.
Did you notice I added an s onto doctor? Dr. Thompson, his Pulmonologist (lung specialist) has joined in. We have been seeing him for about 4 years. John is a retired uranium miner, and a good portion of them have lung diseases. So far John has been lucky and has COPD but nothing too bad (meaning no cancer).

Anyway, this morning at 7 they sent in a technician to give him an ultrasound of his heart. Everything looked pretty good!
The doctor came around about 10. He had not yet looked at all the labs and stuff. He asked more questions, and we asked about the cramping John is getting in his hands and feet. We decided that may be an effect of the lasik and potassium that Dr. Barney put him on. So no more of that for now. Besides, perhaps they will get the problem with water on his legs figured out instead of just treating it!
The doctor said John will likely be in the hospital for a few more days.

I helped him in the shower and then he went for a walk. Not very far, but at least he had a little bit of activity.

Oh, did I tell you that he now has a voracious appetite?! Oh my gosh! Most of last week all he wanted was broth, ice water, and Popsicles. I don't know if he just didn't have the energy to eat more, or he was so waterlogged there was no room for food.
That is a whole other story! He has been sick with this and that for a few weeks now. It started when he was having major pain in the general area of his left kidney. That was on a Friday but he didn't say anything until that evening. The next morning we headed for the VA because it was hurting so bad. They figured he probably had a kidney stone. They did a CT and found what they thought was a tumor that was not distinguishable from the prostate. (He had prostate cancer 11 yrs ago.) So it being Saturday they sent us home until Monday when he could see the urologist. They did give us the option to head to the Denver VA, but we decided to ride it out here.
On that Monday we saw Dr. Roy, the urologist, and he did a cystoscopy. He did not find anything but also was not able to locate the opening to the kidney. He gave us some meds and sent us home. We got a call a couple of days later to set up a procedure to put a ureteric stent in place. Well he got the stent and had a nephrostomy tube with a urine bag coming out of his back to help drain the urine!

The next day Bridget gave us a challenge to do a layout with the word HOPE. Here is mine.

A couple of days later he was having a hard time urinating, and then he was going about every 10 minutes, but not much more than a dribble. I got him into the van and we went to the VA. He kept the urinal under his penis the whole way. All they did was give him some pain meds and send him home as there was nothing they could do for him over the weekend! So I went to Wally World to get some diapers for him.
So it has been a couple of weeks and we saw Dr. Barney last Wednesday. His offer was the lasik and potassium pills to decrease the water in John's legs and feet, and a Zpac for the infection in his sinuses. Then on Friday, Dr Roy put in the foley (his prostate is squeezing closed the ureter and that is why he was having a hard time going this time. He changed his meds again and gave us a medication for the probable infection in his bladder to start when he finished the Zpack.

So back to the appetite, the last ten days or so he has had little to no appetite. All he wanted was ICE water, popsicles and broth. I tried to give him vegetable soup and chicken noodle but all he wanted was the broth out of it, although a few times he had "cravings". In fact he would tell me ahead of time he thought he would have a craving for something and I better go get it so it would be on hand. Things like asparagus, spinach, vegetable juice, vienna fingers, ice cream sticks. And that would be all he wanted at the time, a bowl of spinach or ICE COLD vegetable juice. And of course after eating something cold we would then be freezing and have to have two comforters put over him so he could get warm. Then a few days ago he got his appetite back, for one meal a day. And he would eat more than usual. Then back to the other stuff.
Once they gave him that 1st unit of blood he started perking up a little. When they got him to his room they ordered him a tray. It was chipped beef, mashed potatoes and gravy and when he got his tray, he said wow that's a lot of food. But he ate every bit of it!

After that they took him downstairs to do a CT on his chest. They told us that it would be about 20 minutes. We thought that was enough time to go grab something to eat. We went down to the "cafe" but it was closed until 10pm. So we went to Taco Bell. We brought our food back to the room and a few minutes later they brought John back. That man ate half my dinner! I had three soft tacos and their new Mango/strawberry ice drink. He drank most of that and ate one and a half tacos. Within the hour he had a jello pudding to top it off! He has been eating like that ever since! Today he had a bowl of chocolate ice cream and a pudding and his three meals and some of my food.

We haven't learned anything new today, except that he does have a bladder infection, and they are treating that. They have also taken him off most of his meds and are only giving him his thyroid meds and one of the pills to treat his burning bladder feeling. This evening after dinner they sent him down for an MRI of his head.

In the morning they will give him a stress test at 9. That is most of what I know to this point. I will keep you informed.

Now on to the PREVIEW of tomorrow's download at ScrapHead. You can get it here.
Don't forget that Divine Digital also has download a day. Happy Scrapping,

Monday, June 2, 2008

Back in GJ, Day 3 Download

This morning I awoke to John caterwauling again. He wakes me up to do the littlest things! "Honeybunch!.... Honeybunch! But this time it was different. Usually he adds on, "I need some Ice Water" or "I need to take my pills" or something else that he could probably do for himself, but I have spoiled him.
It was just "Honeybunch" "Honeybunch". So I got up and noticed he was not in his easy chair. Ok, maybe he went back to bed. He had awakened me before 6 to change his foley into a leg bag so he could get up. I obliged and went back to bed. (We don't sleep together any more because "MY" snoring keeps him awake!)
So I rounded the corner and was headed for the bathroom, when I saw him laying on the floor in the kitchen. He had made himself a cup of coffee and was going to take it to the table. He doesn't know what happened. He had passed out! So I sat him up and he passed out again!
OMG! I thought he died! He stopped breathing! His eyes opened and the iris' dilated! He was not there! I lay him back down and slapped him lightly and called his name, but there was no response! I started positioning him to do cpr when he came back and started breathing! I swear I looked into dead eyes. They reminded me of glass pony beads with the color inside. Those eyes are seared into my brain!
Of course I called 911 and the ambulance brought him to St. Mary's hospital. When the first responder arrived and I explained the above they said it was "Syncope" (Sink-o-pea) and that most people who see a person pass out and their eyes roll back in their head think they die. His eyes did not roll back! But thank the Lord, he did come back!
They have found three things so far! #1 He is severely anemic. They have now given him two units of blood! The second thing is he has a little bit of a urine infection! And #3 he does not have a blood clot!
They have admitted him and I will be here in the room with him tonight. I don't want to miss the DR. in the morning! They have said that they will keep him until they know why the anemia. They need to know if he is not making enough cells or if there is something somewhere that is using them all up.
Well, it is 12:50 am. So I need to get some rest. But first, here is the preview for Day 3's download and the link to go get it!

Summer Fun day 6

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Daily Download, ABC's of Tonya

Today's download for ScrapHead has a beautiful paper! It is sooooo textured! Have a peek! It is by JaydensMama.
You can get it here. But only until Midnite MST. Then you can get day 2 which is below.

Day two is from ScrapShana. At midnite tonite I will enable the link to collect this part. You can get it here.Remember it is only good from Midnight for 24 hours (Mountain Time.)

I uploaded E and G today at SOTB. So now I can show you.

E is for Easter. The kids came to Gramma's house and colored easter eggs. Then they went out and had a scavenger hunt to find their special baskets. This happened in 2005.
The Kit is special to my heart. It is a collaboration of a bunch of designers. In order to purchase it you have to donate at least $20. Then they will send the links for it. The donation goes directly to Autism Speaks and the kit is called For the Love of McKayla. It is a HUGE kit. If you would like to know more about it then GO HERE.


One day Tonya and Marcus were outside playing and came running to me. "Gramma, look what we found." Of course it was a KODAK moment, except for me it is a CANON moment, lol. They are seldom found around here, but the frogs do show up occasionally. I do live in the high desert after all!

And the last one for today is G is for Gramma.
Tonya was born in Yakima, Washington. A couple of weeks after her date of birth, her parents brought her here to meet me and her great-grandparents. I so enjoyed my short time with her. They moved here a couple of months later, so Tonya and I spent a lot of time together for the next 5 years.
This layout was made using For the Love of McKayla Kit also.