So I found a couple of great places for Speed Scraps. One is at Ginger Scraps. They hold them daily! So does Go Digital. Between the two of them I get a lot of layouts done.
Today at Ginger Scraps, the SS was at noon. Here are the instructions:
1. Choose 2 papers
2. Find one photo and edit it in some way (B&W, Sepia, etc.)
3. Use one paper as your background, and cut the other into a wave or scallop and place it on the left side of your LO.
4. Tuck your photo under the wave/scalloped paper.
5. Add a ribbon vertical on your page on top of the wave/scalloped paper.
6. Frame your photo, add a tag and 2 other elements.
7. Add a title using at least 2 words with 2 different Alphas or fonts. Date and Journal if you like.
and my layout:
I used the Sunshine Wonder Girls monthly collab to make it. They make a kit and each week they give you part of it... then the challenge is to make a layout with it. The ribbon in the above photo is from a kit called Hellraiser which is a collab kit at Sunshine Scraps.
This is week two and I changed the layout to use nothing but the kit Falls Whisper from the WG to be my layout for this week. I like it better. What do you think?
You too, can play with this kit by going to Sunshine Studio Scraps and joining in with the Monthly LO Contest with the Wonder Girls.
Until next time!
Hot Swappable Pcb
7 months ago
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